Layla Martin is a fellow Southeast Texas homeschool mom who enjoys keeping her family healthy and safe with essential oils.
Sometimes one aspect of deciding to homeschool is figuring out the one income challenge. It may take a bit of fore planning, some creative budgeting, and ingenuity to make the finances of homeschooling work for your family. If you are considering an ‘at home business style’ company to supplement your income find a few homeschool mamas who have found success and pick their brain.
Layla uses and enjoys the benefits of essential oils as a product, but also takes advantage of the opportunity to help others by being a distributor. She can supplement her family’s income by working from home and making her own schedule. It is nice to be able to contribute to the monthly budget with an enjoyable side business that promotes a product you already use.
This is a true possibility, but your must be willing to see your life from a different perspective – you CAN be a multi-tasking, mompreneuer!
Homeschooling and creative job opportunities marry well together – there are quite a number of families in SETX who have businesses that give them a more flexible lifestyle to meet the needs of their homeschooling goals.
If you don’t see yourself as an entrepreneur or a ‘business-person’, then I encourage you to get to know someone who is and ask questions about how they do it, what is involved, what type of training is provided, where to start. You will see that many of your skills from prior work experience are transferable abilities and will serve you well in stepping outside the box and doing something new.
Click here to follow Layla’s Facebook page. Send her an email at for more information.
June 29, 2017