Look Who’s Telling Stories at the SETX Homeschool Expo

July 15, 2016


Look Who's Telling Stories at the SETX Homeschool Expo

Stories And More Characterizations And Creative Drama


We are very serious about the “and More”!  Stories and More offersstoriesnmore2 Traditional and Non-Traditional Storytelling with plenty of audience participation — costumes, props, and puppets when appropriate.  Plus a whole lot more!!!

Mary & Neil Early are Stories and More.

Mary & Neil Early are “Stories and More!!!”.  They offer program events ranging from traditional storytelling to very non-traditional creative drama participation experiences.

  • Using story, literature, music, puppets, costumes, and props — when appropriate — their material ranges from the international classics to the myths of multiple world cultures and indigenous people.
  • Their programs can be by particular theme, culture, or other requested emphasis.  They are prepared to address significant social issues and are always open to your needs.
  • In addition to storytelling, the Earlys offer Poetry and Oral Interpretation, Educator Training/In-service, and innumerable workshops and residencies which can include creative drama experiences.
  • They also offer extended residencies in which they will stage theatre pieces with acting and/or directing in-services.
  • They offer workshops for fellow educators as well as for students.
  • They also present thirty different researched individuals from Literature, History, and the Bible who are interviewed by the inimitable Ms Mary.
  • Programs presented by Neil and Mary Early are appropriate for all ages from pre-school through senior adults.  They perform in any venue from street theatre to open floors to fully equipped stages.
  • They present regularly in venues ranging from the “Zwolle Tamale Festival” to “Ghosts Along the Brazos” and “Gladys City Spindletop”;  from Library  Reading Programs to formal Concert presentations; Communities in Schools Family Events to Title I enrichment, and Family Reading Nights.
  • Mary and Neil are both professional educators as well as performers.  Mary taught Elementary and Neil taught High School and University. They are prepared to offer “pre” and “post” performance study, planning, and reference materials tied to the national learning outcomes and objectives as well as those of the states to which they are invited.
  • “Stories & More!!!” will travel anywhere in the World – or out of it.  The sky is never the limit.
  • Mary and Neil are active with the Houston Storytellers Guild.  They were founders of the Louisiana Storytellers Association and the Central Louisiana Storytellers Guild.  They are members of National Storytelling Network and Tejas, the Texas Storytelling Association.
  • References and other materials available on request.

Stories are not just for Children, but they are a marvelous doorway to international awareness and a pathway to larger memories than then those of any single individual.

Every gathering of people has a story to tell — and a story to hear.

      They work with all ages–pre-school through senior Adult!


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